how come
all my life
been wondering why
questions unanswered
like what makes blue skies
I never did think
questioning reality
in ways that I judged
pure insanity
when I was a boy
with model rocket toys
pointed at the sun
always asking
how come
how come the seas
always find their level
how come the rivers
forever run downhill
how come the clouds
when I don’t
how come I want
to just turn the wheel
and finally see
what I secretly feel
questions no answers
in books full of pictures
facts taught in lectures
were proofs, so I thought
I never believed
something this big
buried so deep
hidden from me
how come the stars
have never once changed
how come the truth
seems so bloody strange
how come our freedoms
are all prearranged
how come I dream
touching walls of the sky
keeps us enclosed
in cold white lies
I once believed
the facts were backed
proven in science
not forced by compliance
how badly their books
have misled us all
spun like tops
dancing on a ball
how come I want
to know when it began
is time just a line
or a loop on rewind
questions unanswered
let lies propagate
makes truth sound crazy
we all learn to hate
damned if I don’t
but damn if I do
look how far
would you dare to go
not that apple
too late
now you know